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Mission Statement

We exist for the purpose of introducing people to a relationship with Christ and into fellowship with the family of God, developing them to be Christ-like, equipping them to minister to others so that in everything God is glorified.


What We Believe

We believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the divine Trinity. We love, serve, and adore him.
We believe in the Bible, the Word of God. We believe it does not merely contain the Word of God, but that it is given by the true Word of inspiration.
We believe the Bible to be the church’s only essential creed, article of faith, and discipline. He who will not be instructed and corrected by the Word of God is not a Christian at heart and would not yield to any discipline written by man.
We believe in deliverance from the power and penalty of committed sins, and instantaneous, miraculous change of the moral nature through repentance and faith in the atoning death of Christ. We believe that only through and by him is salvation possible.
We believe that all true Christians, all who are converted or saved, are members of the church. It is here, in the Church of God, that Christian experience makes you a member.
We believe in a second cleansing from inherited sin which is called, Sanctification. Sanctification means holiness of life – of inward character and outward conduct. It is received in the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
We believe in water baptism, (immersion) which signifies our death to the old life and the resurrection to the new life in Christ.

Wondering About God?

Do you know that God loves you? It may be hard to believe, but it is true. The God who created the universe loves you! Jesus came to inform every man, woman and child, that “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

God knows your name, in fact, he knows the number of hairs on your head. God knows everything about you, and yet he still loves you. You are on this earth, because God wanted you to know Him, and to live forever with Him. But sin keeps us from experiencing all that God has in mind for us.

The Good News is that Jesus came to this earth to live and die for our sins. The blood that he shed on the cross, paid for our sin. If we will confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If you would right now, right where you are, repent of your sins, and invite Jesus into your heart and life. The Bible promises us that we will experience new life in Christ. God’s salvation plan is so simple and yet so life changing. Won’t you experience God’s plan for your life? Pray this simple prayer right now. “Dear Jesus, please forgive me of all my sins. I invite you into my life as Savior and Lord, and help me to live for you. In Jesus name, Amen.
If you prayed this prayer, please let us know so that we can pray for you and help you grow in your new relationship. Contact us today. God Bless you.


I’m New

It’s not an easy thing to be new. Everyone has experienced the apprehension of being new. We encourage those who are new to our congregation to take our class, First Church 101. This class is an introduction to what we believe as a church and how you can get to know who we are and our purpose as a church. These classes are held 3 times a year. We would like to invite you to take one of these classes at your convenience. We also offer First Church 201, 301 and 401. Each of these classes will assist you in becoming more like Jesus Christ.

Our Pastors

Dear Friend,

Welcome to the First Church of God web site. We are honored that you would seek more information about who we are, and what we are all about. That is the purpose of this web site.

Our goal at First Church is to express biblical values and to love our community at this exciting time in history. We want everyone to experience the authentic love of Jesus Christ, and to see first-hand what God can do in the lives of people who follow Him with all their heart.

The Lord is doing a new thing in our lives and in the life of our community. Feel free to journey with us, ask questions, make your presence known, or simply keep a low profile. We would like to invite you to join us for one of worship services and to experience the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Remember, you are precious to God and to us!

Christ’s Servant,

Pastor Bob


As Pastor of Assimilation here at First Church, I would love to have the chance to greet you personally and introduce you to our church family. I am here to provide information about our church and answer any questions you may have. I will be able to inform you about the many groups that meet here at First Church, and I am available to help you get established in one of your choosing. We hope you will find us a loving and caring congregation. Please feel free to contact me by email or telephone with any questions you may have.


Pastor Larry

First Church of God

Church Office Hours

Monday – Friday

9 am– 1 pm

(269) 683-8848

33180 Hwy. US 12

Niles, MI 49120


Email Contacts

Pastor Bob

Pastor Larry

Sunday: Christian Life 9:20 am

              Worship Service 10:30 am

              Prayer Service 6:00 pm

Wednesday: Bible Study 10:00 am

                     Small Group 7:00 pm

                     Youth Group 7:00 pm

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©2023 by Niles First Church of God

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